Harry Flatters – Jemba Google Earth Stage Traces

The Harry Flatters Rally remains a firm favourite with the Tarmac exponents who just love the fast stages over the Epyntt ranges. The Jemba inertia Pacenote system that we use captures the speed of the Harry Flatters via it’s Google Earth stage trace. The speed is related via colour coding, with purple depicting the fastest sections and yellow the slowest. On the eve of the rally we would wish everyone a safe and enjoyable rally and here is a the download link for the Google Earth files.

 Flatters 13 GE Files

Remember though, Please note that the Google Earth files are contained in a zip file. If you are using a computer, they will be downloaded to your downloads folder and can then be opened with google Earth. For mobile/iPhone/iPad users – you will be asked to “open in” an app like iFiles or Evernote etc. You must do this and then unzip the files. After this the files can be opened in Google Earth. It seems a long way around but it is worth it. It is assumed that you have installed both a file viewer & Google Earth beforehand. If not they are all available via the App Store and the Android Play Store